Emergency Telephone Numbers
Listed are the numbers to call for Ambulance, Police, Fire, Sea Rescue, drug help, poisons, emergency doctors and hospitals and other emergency issues.
These numbers are free and can be called from fixed landlines, public telephones, mobiles or pay phones ( no money or phone card needed).
Be prepared that there may be no English spoken on these emergency services and helpline numbers. (see French Phrases and Words for Emergencies).
The SOS throughout Europe is 112 and can be dialed from anywhere for medical, fire or police and can be dialed from any landline, pay phone mobile or cell phone free.
The SAMU is the Emergency Medical Assistance Service reached by dialing 15 or 112. There is always a doctor there to decide the most suitable response to a call and put that into action immediately.
The SAMU de France English language website: samu-de-france.fr/
Emergency Procedure as a Caller: Check USEFUL FRENCH PHRASES and Words for Emergencies below.
Important Emergency Numbers
Medical Help – SAMU|15**Police – Police nationale|17**Fire and Accident – Sapeurs Pompiers|18**SOS - all services Europe|112**SOS - all services for hearing assisted|114**Missing Child|116 000**Child in Danger - child protection|119**Emergency Shelter|115**Emergency Sea and Lake –calling from land|112**Emergency Sea – calling from Sea|VHF channel 16**Emergency and Crisis calls in English (15:00-23:00)|01 46 21 46 46**Anti Poison Center Bordeaux|05 56 96 40 80**Bordeaux Emergency Doctor – SOS Medicins, after hours|05 56 44 74 74**Emergency Dentist –SOS Urgences Dentaires|05 56 79 54 56 79**Burn Unit – severe burns treated at Hopital Pellegrin, Place Raba-Leon|05 56 79 54 62****
Emergency French Words and Phrases