Pey-Berland Tower or Tour Pey-Berland
Sightseeing and Attractions
Bordeaux's Cathedral, Saint Andre, was built in the SW corner of the Gallo Roman walls by the Bishop's palace, now City Hall. The flamboyant Pey-Berland Gothic style tower was erected beside the Cathedral a good 100 years later between 1440 and 1466. Bishop Pey Berland (who also founded the University of Bordeaux) did not want the vibrations of the ringing bells to compromise the structure of the Cathedral. However the tower was without bells until 1853 at which time the stone spire and Madonna and Child were also added.
The tower has 4 levels served by a narrow stone spiral staircase with 231 steps to the top. But the effort is well worth it to reach the last level and you'll get some of your best photos from this perch. Duck your head going through the final low stone door.
A morning climb just before noon will reward you with an opportunity to recover your breathe while enjoying the magnificent view of the curve along the Garonne River, hence Port of the Moon view, and all the myriad of closely linked stone houses, monumental gates, and finally, the sound of peeling bells from Saint Andre and the other magnificent churches around you!
Open: June - Sept. Mon.-Sun. 10 am -6 pm(closed 1:15 -2 pm) and Oct -May open Tues -Sunday (closed Mon.) from 10 am - 5:30 pm (closed 12:30 noon -2 pm)
Cost: 5€
Free:1st Sun.Oct.-May, also to European tourists under 26, under 18's, foreign students studying in France, unemployed